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from It's the Daily Scream!

03.19.2021 “Designing a Society”

A wealth of ideas and running low on time. I wish there were more time but there are always more ideas. I crave knowledge more then anything. But knowledge is no fun without an outlet to share it. I want to be integrated into a future where everyone around me wants to learn from each other all the time. That we all realize there are ways we can help each other and techniques for improving each other’s well being constantly. I wonder what the original collage was like before bureaucracy took precedence. I can imagine being in a place where people really want to learn and people really want to teach and both those things are happening in conjunction to be so very powerful. It seems like School for Designing a Society really had an incredibly rare and exciting way of pedagogy. What other projects are co-creating knowledge in that dynamic now? While writing that last sentence I looked up SfDaS on YouTube and found a clip of Mark Enslin and Susan Parenti talking in a way I remember quite fondly. I guess through them a lot of really wonderful figures landed at Dreamtime. Rob Scott was someone I remember very fondly teaching me about art and creativity in ways that stick with me. They were also the folks who brought Herbert Brün to DTV and have a strong link with that being somehow important in my development. This connection idea would actually be a really great concept for a podcast. I wonder if that is something Lucia might want to help with. Interviewing people about their memories of Dreamtime and even just the connections that resulted in that framework. There are thousands of people who could be interviewed if there were just some way to start. Maybe the interviews could be passed down from one person to the next so the podcast wouldn’t have to have my voice as a central connection.


from It's the Daily Scream!

03.18.2021 “add current societal norms”

Setting up a reality for my present state. Initiate a personality, start with the traits of your ancestors and add current societal norms. Reject those norms and create a personality in opposition. Revel in your self worth until you hit an ego wall. Break through to the other side of self and feel one with the world. Break down the separation between yourself and others until there is only now. Wake up a week later with a headache and wonder what led you to this point. Go down the hall and ask your roommate for an aspirin. Your roommate looks at you with no recognition and hands you a pill. You swallow it right there and now. The floor falls from beneath you, and your knees cripple. You feel someone handing you a cold glass of water and realize you were just really hungry and the pill tasted gross. You drink the whole glass and walk away without a word. One week goes by and you remember you had an appointment to see the dentist but you can't remember for what day or who your dentist is. You start obsessing about how your teeth feel and start wondering if you should remove them. You think about how fun it is to eat and how much you used to love diner parties. You remember a time when someone baked you a pie for your half birthday and you try to piece together how old that makes you. You give up after a passing thought and look out the window. A bird flies by. You wish you were closer to the window but feel so tired and don't feel like getting up to get closer. You end up walking to the fridge anyway and look longingly at your condiments. You close the fridge without eating anything. You leave your house. You enter your house. You leave your house again. You walk down the street till your legs hurt and then turn back and sit on the curb for a long while till you start feeling tired. You walk one block further and you are home. It has been a long day and you sleep instantly. You wake up and this is your dream.


from It's the Daily Scream!

03.17.2021 “about the reasons religion sticks”

Spent the first part of the day at a funeral. It was really really bizarre to sit there and see the face of a non living body. It really had no human in it anymore. Watching everyone feel sad and confused and seeing how little advice the religion was serving was eye opening. I hadn't been in a church in awhile and I was taken by how strangely cold and removed the place was. It really isn't built to make you feel comfortable. Being in a building with ceilings that high is nice but then its so strange that you are made to stare ahead at someone on a normal stage height. Why isn't the pastor suspended from a pulley hanging from the peak of the room? That would make the dynamics of the architecture make more sense to me. Thinking about the reasons religion sticks. It really seems like it should have puttered out by now. Maybe that is short sighted of me. How little people know of what they believe just goes to show how lasting a mythos can be over reasons and logic. And even so when you go to add up most of our logic the things we believe are just vague assumptions.


from It's the Daily Scream!

03.16.2021 “canning jars only”

I have always loved jars. I remember thinking when I was young that people who drink tea and coffee out of jars are superior because they can close them whenever and not have flies and bugs land in their drinks. I grew up canning lots of stuff when I was young. I always liked the process. I would help my mother as far back as I can remember when we would start canning our yearly harvest. When I started thinking about standardization and how important standard measurements are in the reuse of material, canning jars always stuck out. The fact that they are designed in a totally modular way makes them much more reusable. Why are all jars not made with reuse in mind. There is way way too much diversity in the screw dimensions of jars. One think I was thinking that could be somewhat of a temporary solution is some type of universal screw top adapters. A ring that you screw onto jars that convert them into the canning jar standard. But really what would be more useful is to get all the large manufacturers of jars to just sit down and agree on like 3 sizes of screw lids. The other issue is that there are many different sizes of just the screw parts that sometimes don't align. With canning/mason jars there is a standard and they all fit together. I still find it so comforting to have all my food stuff in canning jars only. Knowing that I don't have to search for lids cause there are only regular and wide mouth lids. What could we do to increase the amount of standardization in our society?


from It's the Daily Scream!

03.15.2021 “staying in the punk family”

After coffee I took Lucia on their first scooter ride. We went to the free store to look for some fabric for this curtain Lucia is making. We pulled up to a person sitting in front doing their nails next to this huge box of nail polish. I joined them and painted my nails each a different color in mostly blue hues. Worked on cleaning up and organizing in the free store a bit and then some friends showed up. The only things I took are a collection of square metal tins with rounded corners that were originally meant to store Fossil watches. I already painted one black, it looks real nice now. On our way back we found a large white cutting board, which was something I needed to find for our roommate after I gave away their cutting board by accident. We got home and I noticed the folks that are squatting the house next door were outside and I had been meaning to meet them. I went over and introduced myself and found out that it was a house I had actually been to before. It's sharing a fence with this house me and Lucia moved into but I didn't recognize it from the outside. It was Neight Train's house, this sweet kid who was murdered almost 5 years ago. I attended their funeral procession to The End of the World. It was a beautiful very moving event. Anyway the house ended up staying in the punk family and a bunch of people stayed there for many years. Last time I was at the house I got a tattoo of a frame of this from my friend Franki. Back to present day; everyone was apparently evicted and left a ton of stuff in the house and the person is squatting there encouraged us to go look through it and take whatever we wanted. The score that I found was a collection of porcelain powdered glazes in little vials. Over twenty colors! I found a very nice small can of black enamel paint and a glass chess set that fits the board I made for Lucia's birthday.



/now merveilles

After making a tiny website for the Merveilles webring banners I was going through and updating parts of my website. I remembered that I had a /now page on my website. And then thought, oh I wonder if there is a list of /now pages on the webring home but there wasn't so I set out to make one. What I didn't expect was that it would take me almost 3 hours to click through all 160 links. Granted I got distracted by a some of these awesome websites and started digging deeper into them. Below is the list I came up with after my click-a-thon was done. In my search I discovered that the /now movement had actually started in 2015 and had nothing to do with the Merveilles community. There is a directory of /now pages at for the general public, but this here is a list of Merveilles /now... (redirects to site/now.html) (uses a subdomain, /now on main site doesn't work) (/now gives 404) (/now redirects to /#now, cant tell if this is actually a now page) (/now gives 404) (now part is on homepage, /now gives a 404) (site isn't a personal domain) (/now redirects to the .html) (redirects to site/now.html) (/now gives 404) (/now gives 404) (they don't seem to have a now page but get points for their 404 asking if I want to make the page for them right there and letting me start writing) (/now gives 404) (/now gives 404)


from catgoat




from Um título a ser definido

Uma livre tradução do artigo “Last Phase of Desktop Wars”, publicado em

Os dois desenvolvimentos mais intrigantes na recente evolução do sistema operacional Microsoft Windows são o Subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL) e a portabilidade do seu navegador Microsoft Edge para o Ubuntu.

Para aqueles que não estão a par, o WSL permite que os binários Linux não modificados funcionem sob Windows 10. Sem emulação, sem camada de virtualização, eles apenas carregam e funcionam.

Os programadores da Microsoft estão agora introduzindo funcionalidades no kernel do Linux para melhorar a WSL. E isso aponta uma solução técnica fascinante. Para compreender o porquê, precisamos notar como o fluxo de receitas da Microsoft mudou desde o lançamento do seu serviço na nuvem em 2010.

Dez anos mais tarde, a Azure é a maior parte da renda da Microsoft. O monopólio do ambiente desktop Windows tornou-se “aç menor”, com as vendas de PCs convencionais de mesa (o único mercado em que o Windows domina) diminuindo a cada ano. Consequentemente, o retorno do investimento no desenvolvimento do Windows diminui juntamente. À medida que o volume de vendas de PCs continua a cair, o desktop vai inevitavelmente deixar de ser um centro de lucro e transformar-se num estorvo para o negócio.

Olhado do ponto de vista da maximização do lucro a sangue frio, isto significa que a continuação do desenvolvimento do Windows é uma coisa que a Microsoft preferiria não fazer. Em vez disso, fariam melhor em colocar mais investimento de capital no Azure – que se diz amplamente que hoje em dia está rodam mais instâncias Linux do que o Windows.

O nosso terceiro ingrediente é o Proton. Proton é a camada de emulação que permite que os jogos Windows distribuídos no Steam rodem sobre o Linux. Ainda não é perfeito, mas está próximo. Eu próprio o utilizo para jogar World of Warships.

O problema dos jogos é que eles são o teste de stress mais exigente possível para uma camada de emulação do Windows, muito mais do que o software empresarial. Podemos já estar no ponto em que a tecnologia Proton é boa o suficiente para executar software empresarial Windows sobre Linux. Senão imediatamente, em breve.

Portanto, é um estrategia empresarial da Microsoft. Qual é o caminho para a maximização do lucro, tendo em conta todos estes fatores?

É isto: Microsoft Windows torna-se uma camada de emulação tipo Proton sobre um kernel Linux, com a camada tornando-se mais fina com o tempo à medida que o suporte chega no código-fonte do kernel principal. O motivo econômico é que a Microsoft gasta uma fração cada vez maior dos seus custos de desenvolvimento, já que cada vez menos tem de ser feito internamente.

Se você pensa que isto é fantasia, pense novamente. A melhor prova de que já é o plano é que a Microsoft portou o Edge para rodar sob Linux. Só há uma forma que faz algum sentido, e que é como uma execução experimental para libertar o resto do conjunto de utilitários do Windows de depender de qualquer camada de emulação.

Portanto, o estado final em que tudo isto se encontra é: O novo Windows é sobretudo um kernel Linux, há uma emulação do antigo Windows sobre ele, mas Edge e o resto dos utilitários do Windows não utilizam a emulação. A camada de emulação estara lá para jogos e outro software legado de terceiros.

A pressão econômica será exercida sobre a Microsoft para depreciar a camada de emulação. Em parte porque é inteiramente um ralo de dinheiro. Em parte porque eles querem reduzir o custo de complexidade de executar o Azure. Cada incremento da convergência do Windows/Linux ajuda com isso – reduz a administração e o volume esperado de tráfego de suporte.

Eventualmente, a Microsoft anunciará o fim de vida próximo na emulação do Windows. O próprio sistema operacional, e as suas ferramentas no espaço do usuário, já é há algum tempo Linux sob uma interface de usuário do velho Windows cuidadosamente preservada. Os fornecedores de software de terceiros deixam de enviar binários do Windows em favor dos binários ELF com uma API Linux pura...

...e o Linux ganha finalmente a guerra dos desktops, não substituindo o Windows, mas cooptando-o. Talvez fosse sempre assim que tinha de ser.

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from catgoat

Kitchen fun

So I'm in the process of getting the kitchen redone because it's straight up just falling apart in every way, which has been great :F. I am working with a contractor 'cause I am a little handy but I am not that handy. You have to make so many fricken choices about everything and it's super overwhelming, like standing in the jelly aisle of the store and there's like 50 different types of jelly, and you gotta pick which one. I'm mostly just like, damn I just want a useable kitchen. At least so far the professionals i've encountered are pretty decent? Unlike previous projects....


from Um título a ser definido

A cerca de uns 3 ou 4 anos descobri o podcast Minuto de Silêncio. É um podcast de humor, cujo o limite é o que for engraçado. Sempre me diverti muito ouvindo ele. Era naquele tipico e manjado formato mesa-de-bar. Formato manjado mas convenhamos, muito bom. Enfim, me diverti escutando ele durante esses 4 anos, me tornei apoiador botando uma fiel graninha ali pra garantir a continuidade do projeto. Gosto desse formato de financiamento, que se não torna o produtor de conteúdo rico, pelo menos ajuda a manter a independência e no mínimo custear o projeto. Infelizmente, o projeto ficou sem graça. O formato mudou, ficaram apenas os dois principais integrantes e o papo acabou sempre descambando pro limite do humor e a crítica sem-graça dos tempos atuais. Como de sem-graça atualmente bastam os fatos, infelizmente me vi procurando outro podcast que me ajudasse a anestesiar o dia-a-dia de pandemia e ansiedade. Cancelei a minha parte do patronato e ainda escuto um episódio ou outro, com muito menos empolgação e diversão que já curti um dia. Não que imaginasse que o projeto fosse durar para sempre, só não imaginava um final tão melâncolico.

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