It's the Daily Scream!

It's the Daily Scream!


January 4th 2020

Today I work up and went straight to meeting up with Tegan and picking up their keys. I am cat sitting their cat Stewart for the week while Tegan is away. I didn't know if we would get a chance to hang or not but ended up not having much time. So after Tegan left I went to Pagoda and waited in line for a coffee.

By the time I got my coffee and sat down my phone was dead. I pulled out a laptop to charge my phone with and it was also dead, so I pulled out another laptop and it too was dead. Finally I pulled out my Android phone, the forth device I had in my backpack and: Dead! So I took a deep breath and accepted having dead devices. I had a pair of pants with me that I was working on so I pulled those out and sat in the sun and sewed for a 2 hours. It was only one patch but I wanted to get it write and my thread kept bunching.

Another cool thing that happened today is that I joined!

It has been on my radar for a while now but I came across them having an open call for new folks so I jumped on it. I have an accountant there at

I decided to spend some time alone today just hanging out in this empty house. I haven't spent a day alone in a while now. Feeling good to just be quiet and such.

Today's Numbers: I bought a coffee for $2.48 at Pagoda Cafe, I ate two bowls of rice at Tegan's house, and a bowl of beans.


January 3rd 2020

Still staying in uptown at Sarah's house, woke up early for some reason, I have been up since 8am. I made coffee for myself and read some news. I had plans to meet Julie at 3 but forgot about it and ended up having a pretty intense conversation for many hours in the afternoon until 2:45 and then looked at my phone and saw I had a missed message asking if we were still meeting. I rushed out of the house to meet up cause I hate being flaky. It was pouring a lot and the drive was very busy and took much longer then I was expecting. I got to Julies house and got a little tour and we had tea together. I brought my Brown pants to work on and we sewed together for an hour before they had to go to work.

I left there and headed to the Orange Couch. It's nice to go to a familiar place sometimes. I worked there for a bit, saw that I had a bunch of expiring domain emails in my spam folder in gmail and had to renew them. Sunny came by the cafe and I helped them on their new website a little but they were super tired so didn't stay long. I was working there till they were closing and only realized after they tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up and the place was empty and most of the chairs had been put on the tables. I was on my way back when K said they were craving Hanks, so I drove to get chicken and ran into an internet friend there who was also inline.

Drove back to Sarah's and cleaned up the house. Then drove their new car to the airport to pick them all up. I have never driven such a fancy car it was bizarre. The alignment was all off though which made it even stranger. It was like using a new computer with a broken keyboard or something.

Sarah gave me a new sweater, the colors are really good. I wish stuff was so tiny like data.

Today's Numbers: I spent $2.50 on coffee at Orange Couch and made 116 points in Arabic Duolingo


January 2nd 2020

Today I started out around 11am and made the last of the coffee from LA that K had been sharing with me. After talking for a few hours about plans with K, we ate a delicious lunch of leftovers outside in the yard. I put in laundry and folded the last of the laundry from yesterday. Swept up the old cat litter that Marbles (Sarah's kitten) keeps knocking about.

At 3pm I met up with Sunny at the Orange Couch and showed them how to build their first website. That was a fun process for me, trying to describe all the parts of how a website works and how DNS fits together and what that means. We worked on that till 6pm, and now I am just trying to write a bit before I have to leave.

I am going to meet up with Corinne and help them on their computer. Have to head there soon. Corinne is one of the reasons I moved to New Orleans in the first place. When I first came here with Famous and Felix, Corinne was the first person I made friends with.

I just finished with Corinne, we talked from 7 till 11 about computer security and how stuff works. It's something I care deeply about and the more I can explain it to others the better I can understand it myself. Explaining everything from the Intel Management Engine to why iMessage is worth fighting against. There are so many things to know. Too many in fact. So I need to focus my research on specific pars of computer science and not try to cover too wide a net as to have my knowledge just be surface level.

This photo is one Corinne took of me years ago when I lived with an 80 year old man named Ace in the lower east side of NYC.

on the fedi here

Today's Numbers: I did 72 points in Duolingo Arabic, spent $2.75 on a coffee at Orange Couch, had free miso soup, and avocado toast at Corinne's.


January 1st 2020

The start of a new year. I don't want to put too much energy into it being a new year as the calendar that we (as modern humans) follow seems completely arbitrary and based on silly logic.

pic posted on the fedi

I went this morning to meet Sunny for coffee at their new house in the upper nine. Was really nice to ketch up with a friend I haven't seen or talked to since I left town last time. We talked for a while at their house and then went my studio and showed them a bunch of stuff I am getting rid of. They took a big clay crock pot I have been carrying around for ages. We then went to go check out a new info shop just getting started in New Orleans called Cat's Claw. I ran into some friends there and got to ketch up with a number of people. There was free food there, rice and beans and ham and greens tho I guess not free in the sense that I gave them $2 donation. We drove back to Sunny's house and we chatted about money making schemes for a bit and made plans for me to teach them some web design stuff and then I parted ways. Went to the Orange Couch for an hour or so and bought a bagel with cream cheese for $3.15 and hung out till they closed at 4. I then went to my studio and cleaned up for a bit, did some stuff online, and then Richard Siday came by and we caught up for an hour or so.

I need to eat again I am super hungry now. I will drive back to Sarah's house now.

Got back to Sarah's house and K had already made some curry. I heated it up with rice and ate it with fresh mustard greens we still had from picking at Des last week. Then we went to try giving K their second driving lesson but when we got to the parking lot by the power plant it was chained off with a no parking sign. We drove around randomly for a while hoping to find a different one but to no avail and K was already getting tired so we called it a day and went back to Sarah's with no lesson in place. I finished my Arabic practice and made the first tic in a “streak” for 2020.

I was just researching alternative date formats because I wanted one for using at the title of a yearly blog post. But then I just got sidetracked researching that for the past half an hour instead of spending more time writing my thoughts down. While writing this quip I thought of my weird streak idea of the platonic solids or whatever the shapes are called that all have names and points. They all start with a point so today will be Point, tomorrow Line and by the third day I should have a Triangle.

Today's Numbers: I spent $5.15USD today. I got 53 points in Duolingo Arabic studies. I drank 3 (little) cups of home brewed coffee, 1 bagel with cream cheese, a plate of red beans and rice with ham and collard greens, a bowl of coconut curry and rice, one small brownie, and a single cup of water. (Update: I forgot I payed $300 in rent to DUCBO this day)