work, life blah blah blah

I keep going back and forth on staying with the company I'm with or moving on. I think myself and our QA team member are going to leave this year, but no one else knows that yet.

I have the chance to work with a start up a previous coworker works at — and I think I should take it. It's a pay cut, though, and not an insignificant one. The catch I guess, is current work does profit sharing.. and that's almost like a trap. If you know you can get a large chunk of money at the end of every year if you can just tough it out, it feels like a sunk cost fallacy almost. If you don't find that new job in January, or the first half of the year, it feels like you might as well stay until that bonus comes. But I also realize that I have enough money saved up I could take time away from working — since I live in one of the few US states where you don't get fucked healthcare-wise if you are unemployed... I don't think I'll do it but knowing that's an option kind of makes me feel like I have some kind of option/escape route.

Anyway I guess for now I need to come up with project ideas for python... maybe I'll do some mastodon stuff or something. I dunno. Just have to keep my skills sharp and my options open.

On non work-related things, I actually understood a few words of Finnish reading, of all things, the McDonald's finland site lol. I guess studying a little every day is paying off already!