travel plans

this is kind of a scratch notebook/post I guess, for #travel plans for this upcoming year? If anyone I know wants to organize a trip some where, honestly, I am so down, just message me 💜

places I wanna go:

I'm open to suggestions, if you want me to visit HELL YEAH I AM DOWN.

Which I guess Helsinki and Seattle I went to last year, but Seattle was for a business trip and I was alone so it wasn't the best experience? It would be better to go with someone so random dudes don't bother me again.

I am thinking a weekend road trip somewhere in the spring and possibly a Helsinki trip. Montreal would be awesome in the summer because the drive is awesome. I don't know what the best time to visit Seattle is though.

Thinking about it, I don't think I'll plan on any cons... trips with small groups or to visit friends are more fun, for me personally. I'm just not a big convention person.