January 13th 2020
Today I woke up at Sarah's again after the last week of cat sitting for Tegan. We got up a bit late and laid around for a while. At a bit before 1pm I went for a walk to go get coffee and got a little lost cause I was listening to loud music and wasn't paying attention. When I looked at directions and found the way I was meant to be going I ran into a large dumpster:
this was taken later when I went back for more (fedi link)
I was still uncaffeinated so I didn't want to look long but I could tell from a distance it was all stuff not trash so I took off my backpack with my laptop in it, leaned it against the dumpster and jumped in. The fist bag I opened was filled to the brim with jewelry.
I filled a zip lock back with jewelry and then jumped out to make my way to the cafe knowing I had to come back and look further. I got a coffee and made some posts concerning FediConf2020 and read my timeline while drinking. Pretty shortly after I got a message that I Sarah needed me to pick up Lila from school (and then I had to postpone my planning talk with K)
I finished up at Hivolt and walked to Lila's school. On the way I passed a grapefruit tree and marked it on my fruit to pick map (sorry its google maps) at GPS coordinates 29°56'00.2”N 90°04'37.2”W. I didn't get a chance to grab any grapefruits sadly but this is it:
Lila holding a large leaf we found on the walk home.
two photos above posted on the fedi here
We got back to Sarah's house and me and K ate left over Hare Krishna and sat in the yard and talked plans for a bit. K was going to a potluck so they had to start getting ready and I had told Sarah I was going to clean the house super thoroughly this week so I started doing some of that. Sarah got back a bit later after K left (I am confused on the timing of this) and Sarah helped give me some cleaning guidance. When I told Sarah about the dumpster jewelry they wanted to see it all so I laid it out on the kitchen counter:
After a while of cleaning we decided we all wanted go back to the dumpster (me, Sarah, Lila.) We drove there and quickly found so many crazy things. The amount of fancy clothes in the dumpster was nuts. It was a fun adventure that took many hours. It was an interesting coincidence that this happened on the day I was going to help Sarah clean their house. I am tired now and I am suppose to be at Corinne's house at 10am so its time for me to sleep... Goodnight fedi.
Today's Numbers: I got 198 in Duolingo Arabic, I bought one coffee at Hivolt for $2.75, I ate a giant bowl of cereal, some random pieces of chiken, and left over Hare Krishna