January 23rd 2020
Woke up and drank coffee with coconut creamer & evaporated milk with Angel Garcia and then they heated up some delicious shakshuka (شكشوكة = thank you) which is an arab egg dish with tomatoes and we talked about language and anatomy and breeding and menstruation.
“intuitive anatomy”
We had a bit more time before I had to leave so Angel gave me a tattoo. I looked through their flash book and I found a cockroach they had drawn.
Angel Garcia giving me a cockroach tattoo
posted on the fedi here and on Angel's instagram
They said they drew it because they loved cockroach wings
“crunchy butterfly”
Then I called an Uber Pool and right as I got in someone called them and said they just took a ride with them and lost their airpods. And the driver responded “No English!” and hung up on them and I tried to explain again what the person had said but the driver didn’t understand any of what I said and implied it was a spam call. I looked around the back of the car and noticed the airpods in the crack of the seat and decided it seemed the driver wasn't going to do anything about this so I took them. I will see if they are registered with the persons name and try to return them if I can. Though I am on my way to the airport to fly to Berlin...
random rants while driving to airport
Thinking about the importance of kids having building toys like LEGOs or Lincoln logs and how if they have some that are the wrong size and don't fit together that's a good thing for to learn. And to show them the reasons there might be different sizes and dimensions of things and show how that is important.
Also maybe I should look for someone to write an autobiography of me, I wouldn't know how to write such a thing but I bet there are people who need practice writing in that way whomst might want to do such a thing. The story of Dreamtime and how it came about is super interesting. And that is intrinsically my story.
SIDENOTE: Where did these new age words like intrinsic and intuitively enter my vocabulary and how did that take place.
Could I write the story of myself? I believe I ca “do anything” so why couldn’t I? I guess its a question of timing and “devotion” to the idea. How much time do I really have to play with such an idea.
SIDENOTE: I am writing this on my iPhone using swipe to text on the keyboard. The dragging I make tell a story of language. it would be really interesting to record them for a day and have them separate fringe the letters themselves.
I missed my flight, to be continued...
Today’s Numbers: Drank one cup of coffee at Angel’s house, Angel gave me a white belt to replace the red one I lost going through TSA as MSY, they gave me one tattoo, I took an Uber to the FLL airport for $17.01 and a Lyft back for $17.83, and had to buy a ticket for $344 from MIA to Berlin cause I missed my flight, made 52 points on Duolingo Arabic