03.08.2021 “easy to spiral”
Collaboration between Lucia Moon and Liaizon Wakest
Heavy little dots interspersed in the gravel lining the pathway. Picking them up would require more energy then a fist fight with Jesus.
Have you ever considered the stone cold fact that guardian angels are actual narcs on heaven-ordered patrol sent here on planet Earth?
The second they see you eating shrimp they zap you. And it ain't a little zap its like a lightning bolt to the forehead. That shit hurts. We think its all chill to eat shrimp and heck even people that claim they are vegetarian eat shrimp quite often. But the angels, they see the shrimp like humans see a baby kitten or a human child.
Who could harm a kitten? You've got to be kidding. I must be, I'm a stand up comedian. Now, the second “Have you ever considered?” is upon us: Have you ever considered how god awful stand up routines are? Whose idea was that? Zap, zap. Tap, tap. Onomatopoeia, top that.
A sound that is described by making a sound. This is the essence of an onomatopoeia. It is similar to a metonym in that it is a second layer on the same thing. A rooster says cock-a-doodle-doo and a human says ok I will say that in a human way.
I had this joke once where I said “Do you know who a chicken's favorite composer is?” and the answer was Bach.
A chicken had this joke one time, it went “cluck cluuuck cluck... cluck.” and the other chicken was like “cluck” you know?
I know. It might not mean anything to you; meaningless nonsense and a good for nothing joke. Yet nothing and something are just two different sides of the same coin. Isn't that something else? We've digressed! Let's get back on the path – the path with heavy little dots interspersed in the gravel – where does it lead?
Full circle leads you into a circle. We don't want that. We want full spiral. But what end? Is spiral with no ends still a spiral or is it just a squiggly line being looked at in a weird direction.. I hope you ponder that.
It's so easy to spiral that the world, the universe, and...