03.06.2021 “today is the older version of tomorrow”

A sound resonates through a paper wall. Seventy tons of dirt. Reams and reams of wet moldy paper. Sirens continue for days on end. Reverberation in the trunk of the car. A hollow log just lays there in the path, ready to be tripped over. Gone is the numbers on the wall that no one remembered its relevance. A sad nod to sorrow. Inquisitive kitten always asking for attention.

A Sunday deity no one had heard of. House tales from forgotten eras. Reality has never existed in the way it was described to children. Or adults. Windows open while it rains. The puddle on the ledge drips down onto a notebook. Suddenly nothing new happens. Suddenly its still raining and the water has continued to fall from the sky.

A new day was yesterday. Today is the older version of tomorrow. A rock chips part of another rock while a car drives above. A radio DJ that should have already retired many years ago announces that the song you just listened is that song you already heard earlier. An advertisement informs you that if you ever need low priced car insurance just call this number you have already forgotten.

A bird feeds its young chick a fresh bug. The bug is now dead but the chick is happy. A whole lot of sea creatures move from one part of the water to another part of the water. They are now more comfortable. No one says anything. One person passes another person and doesn't look up. It happens again. The person is thinking about how misunderstood rocks must be. Everyone things of rocks as hard but really they are delicate.

3000 years goes by and not a single piece of matter leaves the dinner party. Green light from through the trees shines down onto a slip of receipt paper with the numbers faded. The numbers never mattered anyway. The numbers were all irrelevant. The numbers were all infinite. The Symbolic significance of the paper and the light is a larger fraction if you took the time to break it all down.